Make an Appointment: | (415) 497-3584

  • Rates


    How George works with his clients

    A coaching relationship is a partnership, so when I sit down with my clients, it’s on a level playing field. Conversation about fees and terms of payment are set when we both agree upon parameters that work for both of us.

    Coaching engagements generally run three to twelve months. All engagements begin with a complementary introductory conversation.

    Our introductory conversation will be to determine whether we’re a fit for each other—whether you feel that I ‘get you’ and your concerns. I will listen to determine if I can be of service, and confirm that I understand what you hope to get out of our time together. If we agree, we then create a plan and timeline to meet your objectives.

    My rates are on a sliding scale that depend on the scope of the work and whether it’s personal or professional coaching. Not sure that you can afford me? If we’re a fit for each other, I assure you that we can find a mutually satisfying way of working together.

    To make things simple, I bundle my sessions in packs of 10-40 sessions. The minimal commitment I ask for is 3 months, which is approximately ten session. A10-pack bundle is enough for 3 months of coaching,  20-pack for 6 months, etc.

    Terms are negotiable, but I generally ask for 50% up front with the balance payable at the midpoint. Unused sessions are fully refundable with one month’s notice. I accept check, credit card, Paypal, Venmo, etc.